CAGI's Performance Verification Program

A quick and easy way to see the best specific performance

CAGI performance verification

KAESER is a proud member of the Compressed Air and Gas Institute and its Performance Verification Program. Our voluntary participation in this program means that our units are regularly and randomly selected and tested to verify the performance claims made on our CAGI data sheets.

Not only do CAGI data sheets allow an "apples to apples" comparison of compressor performance, but the Performance Verification Program offers end-users the assurance that these claims are accurate and un-altered.

How will end users benefit?

CAGI data sheets have always provided a standard testing procedure and uniform reporting criteria. Data points including rated capacity, electrical input power and especially specific package performance help end-users see which compressor offers the best potential for energy-savings.  Now they can have complete confidence in the validity of reported operational performance when they see the Performance Verification Seal.

And because all testing results are published on, it's easier than ever to compare various manufacturers and their respective performance claims.

Who can participate in this independent verification?

Any compressor manufacturer is eligible to participate in the Performance Verification Program regardless of their membership status with CAGI. There are specific rules for publishing CAGI data sheets and unit availability. Participating manufacturers that pass the verification program test procedures are authorized to use the CAGI Program Verification Seal on the models’ specification 

How is the testing conducted?

All testing is performed by Intertek Testing Services, selected by CAGI with input from member manufacturers. The program administrator randomly selects units to verify that they meet the manufacturer's certified published performance ratings. Compressors will be tested to the CAGI/PNEUROP PN2CPTC2, Acceptance Test Code for Electrically Driven Packaged Displacement Air Compressors (Annex C to ISO 1217).

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