Compressed Air E-Books

In response to requests for instructive materials that outline the most important factors to consider in air system operations, KAESER has developed these guides available free of charge:


Air System Piping Guide

Air System Piping Guide

Considerations and installation tips for compressed air distribution systems

Whether you are installing a brand new system or are considering upgrades to an existing one, this e-book will assist you in identifying the best piping materials for your application and also give you installation and maintenance tips to give you the best performance possible.

    Kaeser's Blower System Engineering Guide

    blower system installation guide ebook

    Layout Considerations for a Reliable, Energy Efficient, and Safe Blower System

    At KAESER, we believe the more you know about operating blower systems the more you'll get out of them. That's why we're committed to offering you the most current information you need to wisely install, operate, and maintain yours.

    Compressed Air System Installation Guide

    compressed air system and installation guide ebook

    Layout Considerations for a Reliable, Energy Efficient, and Safe Compressed Air System

    Written by Kaeser's team of engineers and compressed air experts, this e-book provides the most current information you need to wisely install, operate, and maintain your compressed air system.

      Compressed Air Engineering

      engineering handbook cover

      Basic Principles, Tips, and Suggestions

      This system design engineering guide covers the fundamentals of compressed air technology and highlights ways to improve efficiency in a compressed air system. 

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        The compressed air big 3

        Despite many plant managers’ best efforts, half of all compressed air is wasted. Whether it’s expelled through leaks, stolen by artificial demand, or consumed by inappropriate uses, this compressed air loss is costing your facility money and productivity. In a recent Plant Services webinar, Neil Mehltretter, engineering manager at Kaeser Compressors, Inc., and Werner Rauer, rotary screw compressors product manager at Kaeser Compressors, Inc., explore how these three issues can sabotage your compressed air system and how to avoid them.

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        Which compressed air system design is right for you?

        This report explains what to consider when designing a compressed air system including equipment and technology selection, control profiles, and whether to use a single compressor or multiple ones to handle compressed air demand.

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        Keep calm and go with the compressed air flow

        In this report, learn how seeing your compressor as an electric heater can unlock savings with heat recovery and how to address air quality, pressure fluctuation, and temperature issues

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        Keys to mastering your compressed air system

        This report has useful tips on master controls, heat recovery, and more for improving compressed air system performance.

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        Optimize management of your compressed air system

        This special report provides guidance on how to apply both “waterfall” and “agile” project management methods in concert to achieve lasting success managing your compressed air system.

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        5 ways system design affects compressor efficiency

        Lessons learned from a compressed air feasibility study could help you achieve new energy efficiencies.

        A Plant Services Magazine Special Report

        Optimize management of your compressed air system

        New offerings will help your facility reduce artificial demand, achieve greater system control, and realize new levels of compressed air efficiency

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