Portable Screw Compressors to 1600 cfm

Oil-free portable compressors where and when you need them

Our flagship M500-2 combines the advantages of a two-stage oil-free rotary screw compressor with those of a mobile unit: maximum compressed air capacity and quality with unrivaled flexibility.

  • Compressed air aftercooler fitted as standard
  • Fleet Management via GPS as standard
  • Refinery-ready – includes certified spark arrestor, engine shut-off valve and sealed floor pan.
  • Features to facilitate setup (chassis with parking brake, crane and rigging eyelets, forklift pockets).

For industrial equipment with high compressed air requirements the M500-2 ensures continuity of compressed air supply even during maintenance or renovation work. Other areas of application include refineries – e.g. for pipeline flushing. As a perfect team player, it easily integrates into existing stations.

Your advantages

  • Fleet management at your fingertips:
    Operating status and maintenance reminds are available via laptop, smartphone, or table. The compressor can be started remotely and geofencing feature prevents unauthorized use.
  • Maximum long-term efficiency:
    Thanks to an innovative coating that remains immune to temperatures up to 572 °F, the blasted and phosphate-treated rotors show no measurable wear even after years of use.
  • Minimal downtime:
    Thanks to its generously sized fuel tank, the M500-2 can run for two entire sequential shifts and can even run continuously when connected to an external tank.
Low life cycle costs
Life-cycle costs

Our comprehensive approach to life cycle cost management: Superior efficiency, easy operation, service-friendliness, and a global service and consulting network with fast response times.


Our portable oil-free compressors in detail

Technical Specifications
Compressor Caterpillar C18 Diesel Engine Package Dimensions
Model Free Air Delivery (cfm) Power @ Full Load (hp) Full Load Speed (rpm) Off Load Running Speed (rpm) Fuel Tank Capacity (gal) Weight (lb.) L* x W x H (in.)
100 psig 125 psig 150 psig
M500-2 1600 1550 1340 600 1900 1250 248 26,235 237 x 90 x 110

* Length without tow bar
Sound level maximum is 76 db(A) at 23 feet
Specifications subject to change without notice


The compressor controller of the future


By accessing electronic motor management, the SIGMA CONTROL MOBIL system optimizes compressed air availability and fuel efficiency. The system is both shock and vibration proof corresponding to IP 65 electrical protection.
Its functions include operational monitoring as well as precise system diagnostics.

User-friendly operation saves time

The highly intuitive user operation means that only three buttons are needed to operate the entire system.
In addition, the automatic monitoring feature can shut the compressor down as required. 

Precise settings

The system pressure can be set with precision of 1 psi directly on the SIGMA CONTROL MOBIL display using arrow keys, as can the compressed air discharge temperature; this enables precise adjustment to downstream compressed air treatment components.


Sealed floor pan

The sealed floor pan for hazard areas immediately catches liquids to prevent any direct soiling of the floor or ground.
The drainage holes are sealed with screwed sealing plugs.

Spark arrestor

A certified spark arrestor is factory installed for use in areas at risk of explosion.

Shut-off valve

The engine shut-off valve automatically shuts the unit down upon intake of combustible gases.

MOBILAIR fleet management

Real-time data via GPS

MOBILAIR fleet management

An optionally available GPS/GSM modem (standard with M500-2) discretely integrated into the unit provides the user with online information regarding technical status of the machine. Should the user need to be alerted to an issue, the system actively reports it with a diagnostics check.
In addition to current operating hours and position-fixing, the system also helps by providing valuable data for compressor load evaluation and maintenance planning.