aeration blowers for wastewater treatment plants - weftec

Visit us at WEFTEC to see how KAESER is meeting tough WWTP requirements

📅 Oct 7 - 9, 2024
🗺️ New Orleans, LA
📍Booth 4041, Hall F
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Wastewater treatment plants across the country rely on KAESER for their blower and compressed air needs. At WEFTEC, we will be running an energy efficient skid-mounted system that includes a complete rotary screw blower system with integrated variable frequency drive and advanced adaptive master controller. Come by the booth to see how KAESER can reduce your installation, maintenance, and energy costs.

Benefits of using integrated blower packages


Explore the Kaeser booth by clicking on the interactive image below.

How can we help you solve your wastewater treatment challenges? Fill out the form below and one of our system specialists will be in touch! Or if you are attending the show, use the link on the right to set up a time to meet!

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