Reciprocating Air Compressors

A reciprocating compressor is ideal for fluctuating air demand

The optimal duty cycle for reciprocating compressors is between 60 and 70%. As such, they're the best choice for high-fluctuation operation with load peaks – especially for trades, workshops and small industry.

When used as boosters, reciprocating compressors can augment existing system pressure, raising it to 650 psi in specific locations.

An overview of our reciprocating compressors

Enclosed booster packages

DN 22 C–DN 45 C compact booster packages

The new, compact all-in-one solution. The world’s first complete high pressure booster system! Compact, maintenance-friendly and quiet.

  • Constant high pressure up to 650 psi
  • Can be configured flexibly according to application and location
  • Ready for connection with SIGMA CONTROL 2 controller
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Enclosed booster packages

Oil-free workshop compressors

i.Comp 8G and i.Comp 9 Tower - oil-free reciprocating compressors

Oilless reciprocating compressors are perfect for workshop or industrial applications.

  • Pressures to 160 psig
  • Oilless
  • Flow rates from 14 to 20 cfm
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Oil-free workshop compressors
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