Recycling Plant Compressed Air Systems

bales of plastic recycling material processed with compressed air

From shop air for truck fleet service to large automated recycling operations, solid waste operations have serious compressed air requirements. Whether you need compressed air for hand tools or for baling machines and optical sorting machines in your MRF, KAESER has both the equipment and the knowledge to ensure stable pressure and the right air quality for the application. Countless solid waste services, landfills, recycling and automated materials recovery facilities (MRFs) around the country rely on KAESER for reliable and energy saving compressed air systems. 

For MRF operations, KAESER knows that sorters, balers and other automatic equipment need reliable flows at stable pressures to function properly. Consistently clean, dry air is critical to keep moisture and contamination from clouding or damaging expensive optics. KAESER has a wide range of drying and filtration options to protect your investment and minimize service and downtime.  

Custom compressed air solutions for MRFs

In addition to our extensive range of compressors and all other air system components, we offer fully enclosed, ready-to-operate air systems. These custom engineered systems provide the specific air flow, pressure and quality you need in a pre-built weather-proof enclosure.  
air system enclosure placed outside
For many MRFs, this solves several problems. Dirty and unconditioned spaces may significantly increase maintenance costs or decrease reliability. We control operating temperature with forced ventilation and thermostatically controlled ducting. Maintaining proper operating temperatures promotes longer equipment life with less downtime. Enclosing the system and moving it off the plant floor minimizes dirt, dust and debris that can clog coolers, inlet valves and the vents/fans for motors and electrical cabinets. Moving the equipment out of the plant also promotes safety for staff and visiting service personnel. This also removes a significant source of heat and frees up floor space. 
Reduce engineering and installation costs with a custom engineered compressor room built to specification to meet the most demanding and challenging installations. These complete systems are designed for exceptional reliability, simple maintenance, and superior energy efficiency no matter what the installation limitations may be. They eliminate space, weather, and accessibility constraints and can significantly reduce construction, installation and operating costs. 

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