Portable Oil Free Air Compressor Rental

M500-2 Oil-free portable compressor | 1600 cfm

The M500-2 compressed air giant for refineries and large industrial companies

The two-stage, oil-free M500-2 is an ultra-reliable source of rental air for site work. It is also a perfect fit for backup air for manufacturing and process applications during plant maintenance periods, or to provide temporary auxiliary air during peak production periods. 


  • Pressures from 58 to 150 psig 
  • Caterpillar C18 diesel engine 
  • Stage IV, Tier 4 Final exhaust emissions 
  • Sigma Control Mobil™ 
  • Proemion telematics with GPS/GSM-modem for MOBILAIR fleet management 
  • Up to 12 hours operation on one tank of fuel 
  • Switchable to external fuel supply 
  • Aftercooler with moisture separator 
  • Adjustable discharge temperature

Electric, oil-free options

enclosure system in warehouse - enclosed units

If electricity is accessible, Kaeser's electric oil-free compressors are also available in convenient skids and weatherproof enclosures. Electric units are less expensive to operate and eliminate the need for refueling and the logistics that go with managing fuel onsite. These packages are available in a wide range of flows and can include dryers and filtration. Superior transportability makes them ideal for rental and temporary installations.

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