With service centers nationwide and our 24-hour emergency parts guarantee, Kaeser customers can rely on the best after-sales support in the industry.
From global corporations to intelligent trades businesses; from food production to aerospace: Our customers benefit day in, day out, from the quality, safety, and cost efficiency that a Kaeser compressed air supply brings.
Learn about our development from a machine shop to one of the world's most successful manufacturers of compressed air systems.
Compressed air contaminated by oil, solid particles, water or microorganisms carries the serious risk of product contamination and potential consumer harm - leading to production stops and product recalls.
With the CSG oil-free compressor series, we offer a comprehensive solution to eliminate the risk of compressed air contamination. The newly developed rotary screw airend for the CSG system is revolutionary when it comes to both compressed air purity and efficiency.
Avoid a nightmare and discover the benefits of a KAESER.
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