Five tips for receiving commercial freight (infographic)

5 Tips for receiving commercial freight

Most commercial freight is delivered via third party carriers , and even with the best of carriers, sometimes shipments are damaged. Your freight may shift, get dropped, or even be in a traffic accident. Damage may also occur at logistics centers en-route, where items are transferred from one truck to another.

Like most other suppliers, Kaeser’s freight terms are usually “FOB shipping point” –which means that once the item leaves our possession, we cannot ensure safe handling or monitor the condition the freight arrives in. In most cases the buyer is paying the freight, and has the obligation to inspect the shipment. Kaeser will assist you in case of damage, but accepting a damaged shipment without comment will limit your ability to make a claim. Here’s an infographic with some tips for receiving commercial shipments, whether from Kaeser or any other supplier.

five tips for receiving commercial freight

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