desiccant dryer purge noise

You know that noise that can shake up an otherwise smooth day at an industrial plant? We're talking about the really loud one that comes from desiccant dryers during their purge process. It's like the unexpected drumroll in the middle of a quiet meeting—it gets your attention, but not always in the best way.

In this blog, we'll discuss ways to mitigate desiccant dryer purge noise in industrial settings. It's not just about making things quieter; it's about creating a more peaceful and productive work environment while ensuring top-notch compressed air quality. So, let's explore some smart strategies to turn down the volume on that disruptive noise.

Problem Overview

During the purge process of desiccant dryers, the initial depressurization step leads to a rapid release of compressed air into the ambient environment. While this step is brief, it often results in significant noise levels that can disturb individuals in the vicinity. The subsequent stages of the purge cycle and operation of different dryer types typically do not contribute significantly to noise concerns.

Mitigation Strategies

insulated desiccant dryer

1. Pipe the Purge Away

A straightforward approach to mitigate purge noise is to pipe the purge outlet away from the affected area, directing it towards the closest wall and out of the building. However, this method requires careful consideration of several factors:

  • Pipe size: Proper sizing of the purge pipe is critical to ensure adequate purge flow for efficient desiccant regeneration. Consultation with compressed air experts for determining the appropriate pipe size is recommended.
  • Pipe support: Due to the rapid burst of air during depressurization, securing the purge pipe with rigid supports is necessary to prevent pipe movement or damage.
  • Moisture buildup: The purge air's high relative humidity can lead to condensation in the pipe, in any climate. Installing a drip leg or ensuring downward slope in the pipe can prevent moisture buildup and potential freezing issues.
  • Temperature and pressure: Considerations for purge air temperature and pressure ratings should align with dryer specifications, avoiding the use of PVC pipes.

2. Increase Muffler Size

Another effective approach is to increase the size of the muffler used in the dryer. Manufacturers often provide standard-sized mufflers that meet regulatory noise standards. Upsizing the muffler can further reduce noise levels, offering additional noise attenuation to a certain extent.

3. Install a Special Silencer

For scenarios where piping the purge away and increasing muffler size are insufficient, installing a specially designed silencer can significantly reduce purge noise. These silencers are tailored to specific dryer models and applications, offering comprehensive noise suppression capabilities.

4. Relocate the Dryer

Relocating the dryer to an area outside where it’s protected from the elements or in a dedicated room with other compressed air equipment is a straightforward solution. This relocation minimizes noise impact on personnel in the immediate vicinity.

5. Use Smaller Point-of-Use Dryers

Utilizing smaller point-of-use desiccant dryers can also alleviate noise concerns, especially in areas where only specific processes require dry air. These smaller dryers have lower purge volumes and consequently generate less noise compared to larger industrial dryers.


Effectively mitigating desiccant dryer purge noise in industrial environments involves a combination of strategic approaches tailored to specific operational requirements. By implementing suitable piping configurations, muffler adjustments, or considering dryer relocation, businesses can create quieter and more comfortable work environments while maintaining optimal compressed air quality. Consultation with experts can provide valuable insights and solutions for addressing purge noise challenges effectively.

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